Wordfast classic
Wordfast classic

wordfast classic
  1. #Wordfast classic how to#
  2. #Wordfast classic for mac#
  3. #Wordfast classic install#
  4. #Wordfast classic pro#
  5. #Wordfast classic code#
wordfast classic wordfast classic

XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(result) Using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse translatorPrimaryKey is your Marketplace primary key. NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential("name", translatorPrimaryKey) HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create("" + text + "&To=" + toLanguage + "&From=" + fromLanguage + "&$top=100&$format=Raw") as HttpWebRequest Here is the sample code: string text = Server.UrlEncode(String.Format("''", "en"))

#Wordfast classic how to#

After apply for that API, you can click "yes" to study how to use it and the new address of Translator API. You can register an account with Windows Live ID to apply Translator API (Free for 2 million characters per month). For my experience, now we need only provide the Azure Marketplace primary key to user that API, please visit this site: The old Microsoft Translator API address is "svc" and now is "ashx". I suppose that when I create a new client secret it is already authenticated, Am I wrong? I contact wordfast again and they answered as follows: I can't provide additional guidance regarding Microsoft Translator: all I know is that it works for me using the instructions I gave in the videos. I did everything according to these videos and received the error message abovementioned. Send me these links for two videos in which the teach how to obtain a new APY key and how to setup wordfast: They told me that Microsoft Translator changed the authentication method and my old API key would not work. Then I changed my computer and tried to use the same API key used before but it didn't worked and I contact the support team from Wordfast. Yes, the application that I'm talking about is the one found in Before this change in Microsoft Translator my API key worked fine.

#Wordfast classic code#

If you have any feedback about my replies, please One Code Framework Please mark the replies as answers if they help or unmark if not. The error looks like authentication failed when connect wo Microsoft Translator API, check you client ID and key are correct. I am not sure how does Wordfast works at behind, but it should be work through their vedio. In these two TextBox controls and looks like OK. Then you can download the Wordfast (New version) in that website ( ), as the Video 2, set "Translation Memory" - "MT" - find "Microsoft" dropdownlist, and input the Client ID and Client key I've saw the video that you provided, the first is teach you how to get free Microsoft Translator API in Azure Marketplace, it seems that you've register an account in Marketplace, have you got the correct Client ID and Client Key in from the Azure Marketplace?Ĭlick edit in the 1st screenshot and you will see them. You can use them in web application or desktop application.

  • Cleanup fails to remove all the target text, and the document still has some delimiters and target segments after running the Cleanup feature of Wordfast Classic.I see, sorry for code, the code is just send a http request to Microsoft Translator API and get translated text.
  • should be closed" error message in Wordfast Classic when opening the Setup dialogue.

    #Wordfast classic for mac#

  • Wordfast Classic fails to start under Word 2011 for Mac - usual error messages: Compile error in hidden module: M0 or Could not open macro storage.
  • Word tends to crash when you translate or when you close Word (and you are using a laptop equipped with bluetooth).
  • Select TM button won't work (error message 4608 Value out of range or Error opening the Open File dialog box).
  • TXT TM won't open (TM exported from Trados).
  • Office 2010 Click-to-Run, an installation form of Office 2010 that does not support Classic properly.
  • User Account Control (UAC), a feature in Windows (Vista and newer) that can cause troubles with Classic.
  • WFC has got disabled in Word, what to do if WFC disappears from Word because Word blocks WFC as a disabled item.
  • Exchanging TMX TMs with Non-Wordfast Users.
  • #Wordfast classic pro#

    Using Wordfast Pro to Translate with WFC.Advice: Never save changes to

    #Wordfast classic install#

  • How to download and install Wordfast Classic.
  • Live Online Training Sessions Wordfast Classic Video Tutorials

    Wordfast classic